About Me
My name is Andrew,currently living in Greece.With substantial prior experience in troubleshooting, servicing and installing various electronic, network and surveilence devices , ranging from desktop computers & laptops, earphones & headphones, cctv, different kinds of alarm systems, basic network infastructure and customer support to name a few prime examples.
I became equiped with most of those usefull hands-on practical skills mostly during my vocational post high school 1 year training, on a broadly known and well reputable local bussiness specializing on this sector plus 2 more years prior of personal experience on more common and non complex technical tasks acquiring a basic & general overall skillset.
Solidity, Python & machine learning
Now due to my experience on the crypto markets and having explored various DeFi protocols,I am solely dedicated on learning solidity as my main programming language so as to become a smart contract developer on evm-compatible blockchain networks, with the final stage of transitioning to a smart contract security auditor on the long run as my main occupation.
On par with the blockchain sector,I am focusing also on python programming, paired with machine learning and A.I implementations, so i could realistically be able to take advantage of possible career and entepreneurial opportunities this combination of skills are able to qualify and individual for, plus to keep developing my algorithmic trading systems using this combined skillset to build sophisticated systems, that statistically are very capable of consistently and easily outperforming the general percentage of retail investors & traders.
As a final statement, due to the ever-increasing demand and overall less saturation of the sectors i've put my focus on, It was wise for me combine Solidity, python, machine learning and basic A.i implementations, so i can build a less common skillset among individual newer developers in the current market conditions.